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We’re happy you made the decision to become a part of our membership, established solely to assist first responders with challenges inherent in our chosen professions.

Code 4 Alpha means

All is under control, but keep the backup coming”

Our Mission

  • Outreach to professional first responders, retired, former, active with personal, or other challenges incurred in the performance of their duties
  • To facilitate peer discussions, respecting the dignity of all persons, supporting those who demonstrate the courage to come forward in meetings with other first responders facing similar difficulties
  • No one is alone and all are dedicated to supporting each other
  • We encourage all to seek professional counseling services beyond the services of Code 4 ALPHA

Our Motto

Together Then – Together Now”

We pulled together in the past from our respective disciplines; with grit and fierce determination, to run without hesitation in the direction others flee, in order to save lives and bring order to situations of danger and conflict. Now, we are together again. This time we bring that same determination to assist each other with the challenges we confront, incurred in the line of duty. We are a unique band of brothers and sisters, firmly committed to each other’s well-being.

Our History

A few of us noticed others struggling with what appeared to be challenges. Having shared similar incidents, we wondered if those might have contributed to the horrible pain and conflict we are now experiencing. One conversation led to a second, third, fourth, fifth and sixth person. We realized we had much in common, most of which are connected to past calls for service from those we served. We realized the comfort in sharing our most personal stories between peers, knowing “it wasn’t just us” and that “we’re not nuts!” We began to explore these conversations more deeply; looking for causal factors, what seemed to get us through the day, what worked and what did not. This became a comfortable environment to discuss the most personal issues with a body of people not judgmental and committed to the concept of “what we say here stays here.” Furthermore, we embraced the value of professional counseling. Sadly, those forming our current organization were surprised at the closed-door reception we received from our former agency, to which we gave so much of ourselves, when inquiring about professional assistance. Accordingly, we did what we always did; we worked together in developing this organization to better enhance our goal of leaving no first responder behind. More work remains to be done and recognizing “analysis paralysis”, we are moving ahead, committed to operating in a mode of continual analysis and improvement.

Our Structure – What We do

  • We meet every two weeks on Wednesday mornings from 10 am to noon, and the group sessions will take place in a separate room, from 10 am to 11 am. Please know that in our commitment of operating in a mode of continual assessment and improvement, we intend to look at technology that may assist us in reaching those who might not be able to participate, and not be left behind. This is a critical value of our organization. Further, some of our members leave for warmer climate during winter and may desire to remain in touch with our scheduled meetings.

You will receive a copy of our Member Rules intended as a gentle reminder of our need to be respectful of differing opinions in order work in harmony with each other as we move forward to accomplish member and organizational goals.

  • Your participation in these meetings, and the information you chose to share, is totally up to you. Our peer discussion facilitators may need to remind our group “that’s too much information” or we need to respect, as well-intended, that what is shared is “too personal.” It is important you feel comfortable in advising anyone you are not comfortable in sharing or discussing a particular topic (if facilitators miss it).
  • If we do not hear from you after missing two consecutive meetings (one month) one of us will call to simply check and see if things are well with you and let you know that we are thinking about you.
  • We do ask if you know in advance you will not be attending a future meeting – you let us know.
  • We will ask for contact information to assist us in contacting you to keep you informed of any schedule changes, meeting cancellations due to weather, etc.
  • We will appreciate being able to leave a message in your preferred contact information identifying us as “C4A” (Code 4 Alpha abbreviated). If this is not agreeable at any time, please let us know.
  • We are developing a list of professional counselors recommended to us by those assisting in our development. You should feel free to add additional professionals you feel comfortable in recommending. We are in the process of constructing a website with this information under a “Resources” tab. In the interim simply ask a member of the development team.
  • Naturally, we do recommend members leverage professional counselors. Whomever you choose is your business.
  • Any member of the Development Team is available to you from 9 am to 9 pm Monday through Friday. If you cannot contact one, try another. Please remember we are not a substitute for professional counselors.

We are not

  • We are not professional counselors, nor do we pretend to be. We are peer support facilitators. As Code 4 Alpha grows we will add additional facilitators.  At the conclusion of  peer facilitator training session, a new facilitator will meet currant facilitator(s) for their clearance and assignment to a team.
  • We are not  professional counselors. As such at present we cannot guarantee confidentiality. However, we will not divulge information without a fight and see potential opportunities that someday may afford us that ability.
  • We are not going to be part of any domestic challenges. We will not respond to those or related environments.
  • We are not going to get in the middle of any agency determined to get you to a professional, to include mental hygiene arrest.
  • We are not nor do we pretend to be attorneys.
  • We do not make decisions for you. You may or may not find discussions in meetings to be helpful.